Show the presentation while talking on the phone
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Prezcall - Show your product during the phone call.  | Product Hunt Embed

Show your product during the call. Boost cold-calling. Use Prezcall.

Send a Prezcall link and start presenting in seconds. Presentations, PDF documents - whatever you want.

"Hey, it 'll be easier when I show you! Here's the link."
"Please enter the PIN and let's start with the presentation. We're on the same page."
"Great, I can easily show you the concept visually. Don't worry about slides numbers, you see exactly what I do."
"Perfect, I can observe all that happens with the presentation in my CRM system."

Presenter's view
Sharing the presentation
Participant's view
Watching and learning
What are the product features? What's in it?
See what you get in the Prezcall package and what features you can use
Presenting in seconds
There is no login or registering. And the links are super easy so can be dictated via the phone call. So, in literally a few seconds, the viewer can see the content.
Embed on your website
You can use our platform, but you can also embed Prezcall on your website and use it from there to contact your clients.
While presenting, participants may have more questions or there is the need to clarify something. You can use highlight or drawing functions to emphasize the most important content.
Chat/file sharing
There is a chat function which includes files sharing. You can talk to your client via the chat, but also send any documents, images, presentations directly from Prezcall, no need to switch to other tools.
File upload
You can easily upload a file directly from your desktop and present it on Prezcall. But you don't need to do that each time - there is files library and you can use it for all your calls.
If you have a company account, there is no need for each participant to sign up separately, there is one workspace for all.
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Jakie są funkcje produktu?
Zobacz jakie cechy
Prezentowanie w kilka sekund
W Prezcallu nie ma logowania ani rejestracji. Linki są tak proste, że można je podyktować przez telefon. Tak więc, dosłownie w kilka sekund, widz może zobaczyć Twoją prezentację.
Umieść na swojej stronie internetowej
Możesz skorzystać z naszej platformy, ale możesz także osadzić Prezcall na swojej stronie internetowej i w ten sposób kontaktować się z klientami.
Zaznaczanie, rysowanie
Podczas prezentacji uczestnicy mogą mieć więcej pytań lub istnieje potrzeba wyjaśnienia czegoś. Możesz użyć funkcji podświetlania lub rysowania, aby podkreślić najważniejsze treści.
Czat / udostępnianie plików
Istnieje funkcja czatu, która obejmuje udostępnianie plików. Możesz rozmawiać ze swoim klientem za pośrednictwem czatu, ale także wysyłać dokumenty, obrazy, prezentacje bezpośrednio z Prezcalla, bez konieczności przełączania się na inne narzędzia.
Udostępnianie plików
Możesz łatwo przesłać plik bezpośrednio z komputera i zaprezentować go w Prezcallu.
Ale nie musisz tego robić za każdym razem - jest tam biblioteka plików i możesz jej używać do wszystkich połączeń.
Konta firmowe
Jeśli masz konto firmowe, nie ma potrzeby, aby każdy uczestnik rejestrował się osobno. Wszyscy korzystają z jednego obszaru roboczego.
Why Prezcall?
You are selling through the phone calling and it's hard to explain the context?
Prezcall lets you show the presentation/document while you are still talking on the phone.
Don't waste the opportunity when you have the potential customer on the line!

While using Prezcall you don't have to end a phone call to switch to a video platform when you want to show a presentation or document to a client.
You provide the simple link and pin, and you don't have to disconnect and end the conversation.
Make hay while the sun shines!

Try Prezcall - 14 days for free! No payment needed. Cancel anytime.
And see how Prezcall boost your sales.

What our users say?
Peter Sienkiewicz
Head of Sales at Smartlunch --- Food delivery, food tech
Prezcall helped us in a difficult moment for everyone - a pandemic and quarantine, when all meetings were canceled. Lots of our clients are unfamiliar with new technologies and this is the perfect solution to quickly show presentations.
Thanks to this, our customers have a full vision of the product and we can continue to sell! We also have an integration with our CRM. We will definitely continue using Prezcall because it opens us to totally new possibilities!
David Łukasiewicz
CEO at BedBooking --- hospitality business
At Bedbooking we have a huge number of recipients, of various ages and technological access. We use Prezcall to quickly convey our concept, it is much easier to explain it on slides than just during a conversation, which significantly affects sales.
Pawel Jaworski
Co-founder and Business Development Manager at --- e-commerce
Sellintegro consists of dozens of solutions for the e-commerce industry. Describing them by phone is impossible! And many of our clients have lots of meetings and little time, so it's easiest to catch them on the phone. By using Prezcall we can quickly ask to enter presentations and show our offer.
Matthew Materna
Founder of Zeccer --- vending machines
Zeccer sells its vending machines to various places - offices, shopping malls, shops, universities. With such a diverse group, arranging your sales plan is not easy, and Prezcall goes to all these groups thanks to virtually zero entry difficulty.
So, for whom is it?
Is this something I can use?
Sell your concept instantly. We know you usually use the phone to contact your clients. Add the visuals to the call and boost your sales rapidly!
Real Estate
Show and sell your offers instantly, during the talk.
It doesn't matter where your clients are or what software they have.
Show your product ads with your content, without intermediaries. You create and transfer the most appropriate offers prepared for specific buyers.
Selling creative concepts is not easy as soon as you describe in words. You can still arrange phone calls, but now you will also add a visual layer that will sell your ideas.
Retail and e-commerce
Internet sales are based on the right content - mainly photographs. It is difficult to describe the product by phone, and now you can show all your goods during the conversation.
Software House
Not all customers are familiar with new technologies. Sometimes you have to explain things very simply. It is best if access to this content is as easy as possible - like in Prezcall.
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