Prezcall blog

Selling in difficult times — show instant product demo online in seconds

The barrier of the telephone or computer may cause confusion and misunderstandings, or some misconceptions. However, in the time we have today, in the midst of a global pandemic, meeting is often not possible

Most of us work remotely, offices are deserted, and it is not easy to meet clients. It doesn’t mean, however, that sales and presentations of services are not possible. You just have to take a different form and thus adapt to new conditions.
Both the finalization of deals and the acquisition of new potential leads are possible over the phone and the Internet. 
And we have a way!
A frequent problem faced by sellers on the part of customers is the lack of willingness to log in or set up accounts on various websites. And this is the moment when it becomes impossible to show a presentation or talk online.
Our # 1 goal at Prezcall was to create a tool that would completely eliminate this hassle. There is no login at Prezcall. All the caller has to do is go to the link provided or to your website where you have the Prezcall widget. There he enters a 6-digit PIN, which is his ID and that’s it! He sees your presentation in seconds.
In Prezcall, you can upload presentations of various lengths — it is worth having several prepared, because your potential clients may have a different amount of time. Some may talk to you for an hour and others only have 5 minutes for you to sell them the concept. If you have more time, it is a good idea to present the meeting plan in the initial slide. It is good to be prepared for various scenarios. You can use the uploaded presentations in the future, both you and the people in your team.
The same is true for different target groups. Better to spend the time creating a few presentations that align with the business profile of your customer data, than showing too general ones for all.
Use easily understandable language so that all information is clear for the customer. Remember that your main goal is to sell, so adapt the content to the participant. For example, not all bank customers know professional financial vocabulary. Your role is to explain so that they will still know what you are talking about and what to expect. And if something is incomprehensible, you can use highlighting and drawing to draw attention to problematic content.
During the presentation, it is worth making sure that the client remains active — ask questions, ask about the potential use of the function, adjusting your product to his company. In this way, you create engagement and allow the customer to empathize with using your product.
It is worth knowing exactly what problems your client wants to solve by using your product or service. Thanks to this, you will not only be able to refer to them directly, but also learn how to estimate your target audience. 
Conversation using the language of benefits is definitely more convincing to buy than presenting only the features of the product.
Remember to take notes of the conversation immediately after the meeting when you have the most recent memory. Thanks to this, you will not miss anything. It is welcome to send a message with a summary of the conversation and thank you for your time and interest.
In fact, an online product or service presentation does not have to differ much from a live presentation. It is important to remember about these few conditions, and even more importantly — to use tools adapted to this. Prezcall helps you to show your presentation instantly. And you can focus on the content.

2020-09-21 14:52